917 E. Larkspur Drive Sandy, UT 84094
Office: 801-826-7600

September 22, 2022 – Minutes

Alta View Elementary SCC Minutes

September 22, 2022, 3:15 p.m.
In-person in the Alta View Faculty Room


  1. Welcome/Roll Call

Present: Rachel Anderson (Chair), Scott Jameson (Principal), Pam Brooks, Rebecca Brown, John Castro, Dawn Davis, Lori Hatton, Noelle Jones, Jorge López, Katie Rowley, Luisa Whittaker-Brooks,

Not Present: Teylor Soto, Kristy Whiteside

Guests: Allyn Kau

  1. Elect 2022-23 Leadership
    1. Chair – Dawn Davis made a motion to re-elect Rachel Anderson as SCC Chair. Katie Rowley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by those members who were present at the meeting.
    2. Vice Chair – John Castro made a motion to elect Katie Rowley as SCC Vice-Chair. Rebecca Brown seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by those members who were present at the meeting.
    3. Secretary – Noelle Jones made a motion to elect Pam Brooks as SCC Secretary. Scott Jameson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by those members who were present at the meeting.


  1. Approve SCC Minutes from 5/17/22

Katie Rowley made a motion to approve the Minutes from 5/17/22. John Castro seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by those members who were present at the meeting.


  1. Review of SCC Requirements and Introduction to New Members

1. Review Bylaws, Rules of Order, and Website requirements

Rachel Anderson discussed the bylaws, rules of order, and website requirements with the Council.

2. Review District SCC Training and answer questions, if any

Rachel Anderson reminded the Council of the training requirements. Katie Rowley and John Castro still need to attend the training and will do it on Tuesday night.

3. Review new required sign-in protocol (all volunteers need to sign in so that the District always knows who is in the building at any time

Rachel Anderson explained that the District requested that we always check in and out of the building, so SCC members are now requested to do so when coming to Council meetings.

4. Review e-mail imposter warnings

Rachel Anderson and Scott Jameson explained how SCC members have been targeted by e-mail phishing scams in the past. Mr. Jameson explained that he will not ask anyone to buy anything via e-mail, but if a member of the SCC receives an e-mail request, it should be reported to the Principal, who will then report it to the District so that they can track the scams.


  1. Approve the 2021-22 Meeting Schedule

Scott Jameson mentioned that members can attend remotely if they let us know ahead of time.

Scott Jameson made a motion to approve the meeting schedule included in the agenda. Rebeca Brown seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by those members who were present at the meeting.

    1. September 20, 2022
    2. October 18, 2022
    3. November 15, 2022
    4. December – No Meeting
    5. January 17, 2023
    6. February 21, 2023
    7. March 21, 2023
    8. April 18, 2023
    9. May 16, 2023
  1. School Safety

1. Safety drill update

Scott Jameson explained that within first 10 days of school we are required to have our fire drill. On 8/24, we had a fire drill. Janae Hunt is the new Chair of the Safety Committee and is doing a good job. The second drill was today at 10:00am. It was a shelter in place drill. These drills can be traumatic for kids so we try not to scare them too much. The next drill will be November 10 at the Faculty Meeting. There will be another fire drill right after winter break. The earthquake drill will be in April during The Great Utah Shakeout. The most likely occurrence is a Shelter in Place situation where something happens in the neighborhood and the school is locked down as a precaution.

2. Discuss district-wide safety audit conducted over the summer

Scott Jameson discussed, in general terms, the district-wide safety audit conducted over the summer. Employees should swipe badges when entering and exiting buildings. The District website surveyed schools and is working on the list of things suggested by principals.


  1. Proposed Cell Tower Money Expenditures

Scott Jameson explained how school cell tower funds work. Some schools have cell towers, others do not. Cell tower companies pay to lease the land, and that money goes to the schools. We proposed having one here and approved it in the SCC last year, but the company backed out. Regardless of whether a school has a tower located on its grounds, the District splits up the cell tower funds and gives a small amount to the schools that do not have cell towers. Cell tower fund expenditures are overseen by the SCC in each school. Although Alta View does not have a cell tower, we have a fund of money that has been growing for a few years.

Mr. Jameson then explained his request for use of some of our cell tower funds.

Marina Fernandez is a volunteer from Spain who works in the Spanish classes about 20 hours a week. Scott proposed paying $400 for her lunch at the school from cell tower fund. Mr. Jameson also requested $1,500.00 to replenish his discretionary fund for teacher morale like meals for teachers, BLT meals, books, etc.

Rachel Anderson spoke in favor of the proposal.

John Castro made a motion to approve this use of cell tower money as requested. Dawn Davis seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by those members who were present at the meeting.


  1. Social Emotional Learning/”Life Skills Support” Update

Rachel Anderson explained that she placed this item on the agenda since social emotional learning has been a special interest of this Council for several years. After discontinuing the Second Steps program, the District has been developing its own program, called the “Life Skills Support Program.” While we wait to get it, our school has implemented a monthly social/emotional focus. We do not know anything about the program done by the District and whether or not we will implement it in January. The monthly themes that Alta View is focusing on are as follows:


August – PBIS – Rules, Keys, Community our Family, Classroom, and Responsibility

September – Emotions

October – Kindness and Respect

November – Gratitude

December – Service

January – Goal Setting

February – Compassion and Friendship

March – Growth Mindset

April – Perseverance

May – Resiliency


  1. Plan Reviews – Principal Scott Jameson
    1. Teacher and Student Success Plan (TSSP)
    2. LAND Trust Plan
    3. Safe Walking Routes
    4. Positive Behavior Plan
    5. School Safety and Digital Citizenship Plan

Scott Jameson briefly discussed the plans that the Council is responsible for. He explained that we get between $70,000 and $80,000 a year in TSSP funds, and separately in LAND Trust funds. We sometimes meld these two plans together, but they also have some differences. We start with data and then formulate the plans. We usually can only carry over 10% of the money from one year to the next, but we were given a one-time exception to carry over more money from last year since we couldn’t ever find people to fill the positions we approved hiring. We carried over about 40%. We want to focus on Special Education and Multilingual Learners groups. We would like to find someone to do 25 hours a week helping with the Multilingual Learners; however, we still have around seven open positions right now. We are struggling to hire people to meet the needs in the school. We have about 35 students schoolwide in the Multilingual Learners group.

Mr. Jameson also announced that Jenn Rupp, our school social worker, has resigned to take another job. The Council expressed their gratitude for Jenn’s work and that they were sorry to see her go. The school is looking for a replacement. The SCC allocated TSSP money for ¼ of her salary that will most likely will go to her replacement. We need to find either a social worker or counselor for this full-time position.


  1. Other Input/Questions



  1. Adjourn

Rachel Anderson adjourned the meeting at 4:20 p.m.


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