917 E. Larkspur Drive Sandy, UT 84094
Office: 801-826-7600

September 29, 2020 – Minutes

SCC Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/oaz-iniz-grb

Alta View Elementary SCC Minutes
September 29, 2020, 3:15 p.m.

This meeting was held electronically via video conference.

Members Present:
Rachel Anderson
Pam Brooks
Rebecca Brown
Jessica Davies
Beth Floyd
Vickie Hulderson
Scott Jameson
Jackie Jones
Noelle Jones
Allyn Kau
Becki Little
Jenn Rupp

Amy Gutierrez, Teacher Specialist
Marie Johnson, PTA President

Meeting Called to order by Scott Jameson at 3:12 p.m.

1. Elect leadership: Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary

Allyn Kau moved to elect Rachel Anderson for the position of Chair. Vickie Hulderson seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, and the motion passed.

Rachel Anderson moved to elect Beth Floyd for the position of Vice Chair. Mr. Jameson seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, and the motion passed.

Jessica Davies volunteered to fulfill the role of Secretary, with the understanding that someone may need to fill in on occasion. As filling this position is optional, no vote was required.

2. Approve the 2019-20 Meeting Schedule

The proposed meeting schedule is as follows:

September 29, 2020
October 20, 2020
November 17, 2020
December – No Meeting
January 19, 2021
February 16, 2021
March 16, 2021
April 20, 2021
May 18, 2021.

Rachel Anderson moved to approve the 2019-20 schedule as proposed, and Jessica Davies seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, and the motion passed.

3. Review the upcoming SCC Training information

Mr. Jameson explained that the most recent update from the district regarding SCC training, dated September 10, stated that training meetings are pushed back to October 1 or later. Trainings will be provided in-person on a limited basis, but online trainings will also be provided for most members to watch. The online trainings have not yet been posted, and Mr. Jameson will share any updates as they are released. New members are expected to attend/view two trainings: the SCC 101 training and the annual SCC training. Returning members need only attend/view the annual SCC training.

4. School Safety
    a. Safety Drill Update

Mr. Jameson explained that, at the elementary school level, there is one drill scheduled each month, two of which are fire drills. In light of COVID-19 guidelines, the district is not requiring evacuations during drills. As of today, one fire drill has been conducted. In lieu of the evacuation, teachers provided fire evacuation training to their individual classes. As the Alta View Safety Chair, Mr. Flink is involved in preparing the school staff for safety drills and was active in ensuring COVID-19 compliance.

     b. Update on how things are going with COVID Procedures

Mr. Jameson explained that the COVID-19 planning and new procedures have been a lot of work, but it has been going very well. Students have been exceeding expectations in regards to wearing masks. This success is contributed to both the Governor’s plans as well as the support provided in preparing students by parents.

Mr. Jameson stated that one change to original plan is to have the students wait outside after they have finished lunch in order to allow for maximum social distancing while the cafeteria is sanitized for the next lunch group.

Mr. Jameson then asked for comments from the Council members. Rachel shared her thanks for the work that the school has put into planning and execution as well as the support from fellow parents. Becky Little shared that her first graders have risen to the challenge. Allyn shared that as a substitute, she is impressed with the way the students have adapted. Beth shared that although they happened at the start of the school year, more mask breaks have been requested by her children. Mr. Jameson encourages students to reach out to teachers regarding adding-in mask breaks.

5. Approve SCC Minutes from 3/18/20

The following changes were requested to be made to the minutes. On Section 1.b. of Continuing Business, strike the word “we” from “…since we school is closed.” On Section 1.a.ix. of New Business, change the wording to read: “The district is continuing to pay interventionists. They have been very active in preparing the school for closures as well as stepping up to help wherever needed.”

Jackie Jones moved to approve the March 18, 2020 minutes with the discussed revisions, and Jessica Davies seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, and the motion passed.

6. Approve Draft of School Halloween Guidelines

Mr. Jameson presented the draft of the Halloween Guidelines. He explained that the concept of ensuring that cultural sensitivity/awareness is top of mind has been a topic of discussion for some time at Alta View Elementary. The goal in creating Halloween guidelines is to be proactive in providing clear expectations for students and families. An incident occurred last year involving a racially insensitive costume, and although steps were taken to address the specific incident at the time, a clearer policy regarding Halloween costumes was requested moving forward. It is impossible to enforce rules/expectations if there is no common expectation.

The Council discussed how will the school address gender crossing costumes. It was decided that the district dress code will be applied. Amy Gutierrez, Allyn Kau, and Rebecca Brown have created a proposed policy. The goal today is to review and make appropriate changes so that the policy can be sent to families on or about October 1.

In the Halloween policy, a reference and link to the district dress code policy is included. Jackie suggested that this dress code policy be pasted into the Halloween policy, in addition to the hyperlink. Mr. Jameson will follow-up with that request and see if the policy is short enough to accommodate that.

Due to COVID-19, this year there will be no parade or parent volunteers in the school. Instead, students will still be encouraged to dress-up and the teachers will plan Halloween themed lessons and activities in individual classrooms. No treats from outside are permitted in the school at this time. Amy suggested that sugar cookies or other treats be made available through the cafeteria. Marie Johnson suggested that treats are brought-in early and allowed to sit for a time to avoid germs and be distributed during lunch time, since they will be eating anyway. Mr. Jameson will review and consider options.

Specifics about costume restrictions include: no violence, no realistic weapons or props, no costumes that may be considered offensive in style. Suggestion for appropriate ideas will be provided to families through links. It is important to be clear in direction. No changes of skin color. No traditional dress (i.e. clothing that is sacred to specific culture). Rebecca suggested that we refine the language to allow face paint that is associated with fictional characters or individuals (blue man group, white vampire, green witch, etc.).

The guidelines will be distributed to students and their families in the school email update and a separate email, paper reminders will be sent home with students, and they will be posted on the school website.

Jackie Jones moved to approve the Halloween Guidelines, and Rachel Anderson seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, and the motion passed.

7. Review Teacher and Student Success Plan (TSSP) and Land Trust Plan for 2020-2021

Mr. Jameson presented the TSSP and Land Trust Plan. Goal #1 concerns language arts. The goal is for 80% of students to be at or above proficiency benchmark scores, using Acadience Composite Score (grade k-3) and the Reading Inventory Proficiency Standards (grades 4-5), by May 2021.

We have reduced the hiring goal of interventionists to seven, but increased hours with trained individuals. TSSP money is being used towards funding two behavior interventionists and a social worker. Funds have gone towards substitutes to allow for parent teacher conferences during class time. Some reading interventionists are being redirected to cover for teachers during BLT meetings. There will be extra funds as a result of changes made in response to COVID-19 guidelines that reduce the need for substitutes. This extra money will be directed towards additional reading intervention programs that the teachers believe will be the most beneficial to their grade/students.

Current benchmark data shows that the school average is 58% as opposed to the 80% goal. In addition to composite scores, there will be a Pathway to Learning measures to show improvement over time. The Council discussed whether the drop in percentages is normally this low or whether this reflect school closures due to COVID-19.

Goal #2 concerns school climate. SRRS-IE surveys will be conducted by teachers with students to identify social emotional concerns on October 7th.

Future meetings will use the same Google Meet link. Reach out to Mr. Jameson with any questions prior to the next meeting.

Next meeting is scheduled for October 20, 2020.

Meeting adjourned at 5:14 by Mr. Jameson.

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