917 E. Larkspur Drive Sandy, UT 84094
Office: 801-826-7600

November 19, 2024 – DRAFT

Alta View Elementary SCC Minutes – DRAFT
November 19, 2024, 3:30 p.m.
In-person in the Alta View Faculty Room


  1. Welcome and Roll Call:Luisa Whittaker-Brooks, Chair


Lucie Chamberlain, Dawn Davis (PTA-president elect), Jared Denton, Tricia Ellison, Lexi Epling (AV webmaster), Courtney Ferrara, Scott Jameson, Jorge Lopez, William Nettles, Luisa Whittaker-Brooks, Marco Zavaleta.


Absent:  Rachel Anderson, Adrian Requena

  1. Approve Minutes from SCC Meeting on October 15, 2024
    • Marco Zavaleta moved to approve the minutes, second by Lucie Chamberlain. SCC minutes from 10/15/24 was unanimously approved by SCC members in the room.


  1. School Safety Updates:Tricia Ellison, School Safety Chair
    • CrisisGo app
    • Successful! Only one teacher’s class couldn’t load students’ names.  Tricia worked with that teacher.  A risk management person attended our drill and provided feedback and offered support.
    • Next month’s drill is a Hold Drill. This drill will take place on December 4th, 2024.

  2. Review and Discuss Alta View’s Attendance Policy: Scott Jameson, Principal
    • Jameson reviewed where to find our attendance policy on the school’s website.
    • 9 days absence or less is our goal. This corresponds to a 95% school attendance. Based on research, students who attend 95% or more days of school are less likely to fall behind.
    • Calling the office to let the school know the reason excuses the absence, but doesn’t erase the absence.
    • Motivation: Rocky Roadrunner Posters, weekly roaming trophy reward, monthly reward is to film morning announcements with Mr. Jameson, quarterly reward (one student per grade) chooses a prize, end-of-year reward to a student schoolwide. The PTA sponsors the end-of-year reward.
    • One of the SCC members in attendance asked if the attendance reward initiative was being effective. The answer was yes! given that the school has seen an increase in attendance from 25% last year to 55% from students that were chronically missing school.

  1. Review and Approve Safety Annual Plans:Scott Jameson, Principal

William Nettles moved to approve and Marco Zavaleta seconded the motion. All SCC members were in favor of approving the safety annual plans.

      • Review and Approve School Safety Plan for 24-25
      • Teachers reported Issues with the crosswalks. Parents are driving too fast and too close, almost hitting people. Also, parents are parking and blocking the crosswalks causing dangerous situations.
      • On the website, under family information, there are maps and drop off information.
      • Suggestions: create the first row in the parking lot for visitor parking, dedicated for parents who want students to stay in their car until the bell rings. Also, bright flags that indicate where the crosswalks are to make them visible.

  1. Review Current TSSP/LandTrust Plans, School Focus (24-25): Scott Jameson, Principal
    • Review Fall TSSP/Land Trust plan, data, and expenditures and review if on course or if amendments are necessary
    • Doesn’t need to be approved until April.
    • Jameson reviewed Acadience Fall data, as well the school climate, social-emotional, and behavioral supports.
    • We will continue the discussion until the time we need to create and approve next year’s plan.



  1. Kuddos to the Principal and SCC team!: Scott Jameson, Principal
    • Big thanks to Lexi our Web Master!!!! 100% compliance on our school website.
    • Keep up the good work

  2. Other Input/Questions:
    • NOTE: No action can be taken on matters that were not listed specifically on the agenda. Any significant items of discussion may be tabled and placed on the agenda for a later date.

  3. Adjourned 4:34

Next meeting: December 17, 2024

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org