917 E. Larkspur Drive Sandy, UT 84094
Office: 801-826-7600

November 15, 2022 – Minutes

Alta View Elementary SCC Minutes

November 15, 2022, 3:15 p.m.
In-person in the Alta View Faculty Room


  1. Welcome/Roll Call

Present: Rachel Anderson (Chair), Scott Jameson (Principal), Pam Brooks, Rebecca Brown, John Castro, Dawn Davis, Lori Hatton, Noelle Jones, Jorge López, Katie Rowley, Luisa Whittaker-Brooks

Not Present: Teylor Soto, Kristy Whiteside

Guests: Julie Cornia, Allyn Kau


  1. Approve SCC Minutes from 10/18/22

Dawn Davis made a motion to approve the Minutes from 10/18/22. John Castro seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by those members who were present at the meeting.


  1. Prepare and Approve the SCC School Safety Plan

1. Digital Citizenship Portion, Julie Cornia, Digital Citizenship Coordinator and First Grade DLI Teacher

Julie Cornia began by reviewing the materials that had been sent to the Committee in advance, and she asked for questions. Training for faculty was done November 10 at the faculty meeting. Julie explained the five focus points of digital citizenship. Students are taught to be: 1. Inclusive 2. Informed 3. Engaged 4. Balanced 5. Alert. She explained that new this year, the question is being asked of whether digital time in class is effective time? Is it interactive? Next, Julie explained that Digital Citizenship Week was October 17-19. During this week short lessons were given each day about digital citizenship. A class was taught to all the students by Robyn Curtis during Library Brain Booster class. Monthly communications on digital citizenship are sent to teachers to integrate into their lessons. Also, monthly communication sent to parents through the Alta View Update and on Facebook. Everyone on the SCC thought the plans were good.

2. School Safety Portion, Scott Jameson, Principal

Scott Jameson reviewed the school safety portion of the discussion. The Council brainstormed areas that may be worth including in our report. Some of the ideas considered are as follows. Buses and day care vans are running smoothly finally, but maybe a media blitz to get parents to follow rules when dropping off and picking up would be good. Sometimes grandparents are the problem. Social emotional learning in an ongoing concern, made more necessary by the pandemic. We still have no program to teach this. We have a new social worker that is paid (1/4 of her salary) by TSSP funds. Inclusion is another concern, and was recently added to mission statement. Cameras for the playground, bullet proof glass, and card readers were also discussed.

The SCC decided that the most important concern was a card reader installed on a door that needs one. We have a work order placed for this.

John Castro moved to approve the safety reports. Noelle Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by those members who were present at the meeting.


  1. School Safety Drill Update

Scott Jameson reported that January 12 is the next fire drill.


  1. Follow-up on Previously Discussed Items

Mission statement suggestions – Scott Jameson explained that he took the SCC’s suggestions to the Building Leadership Team and the mission statement has been finalized.

Badge reader on door – Scott explained that, as discussed during the safety plan discussion, a work order has been submitted for the card reader issue.


  1. Other Input/Questions


  1. Adjourn

Rachel Anderson adjourned the meeting at 4:27 adjourned by Rachel Anderson p.m.


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