DRAFT || Alta View Elementary SCC Minutes || DRAFT
May 21, 2024 | 3:15 p.m. In-person in the Alta View Faculty Room
1. Welcome/Roll Call 3:20 – Katie Rowley, Chair
- Scott Jameson
- Katie Rowley
- Dawn Davis
- Courtney Ferrara
- Lori Hatton
- Pam Brooks
- Luisa Whittaker-Brooks – via zoom
- Rachel Anderson – via zoom
- Jessica Davies
- Jared Denton – via zoom, arrived 3:31
- Karen Pedersen – arrived 3:24
- Marco Zavaleta – arrived 3:25
2. Approve SCC Minutes from March 19, 2024 – Katie Rowley, Chair
- Motion: Pam Brooks
- Second: Dawn Davies
- Approved by: All present were in favor
3. School Safety Updates – Scott Jameson, Principal
- Finally got the badge reader and doorknob fixed!
- We’re doing a better job meeting the social-emotional needs of the students using Thrive Time curriculum for morning meetings.
- April – Great Utah Shakeout drill – drill with evacuation, all went well.
- May – secure drill – exterior doors secured, business as usual inside, all went well.
4. Staffing Updates – Scott Jameson, Principal
- FIRST GRADE: Mrs. Olpin retiring, Mrs. Hunt (from 5th) replacing her
- SECOND GRADE: Mrs. Tucker replacing Mrs. Malan (retiring), Mr. Martin replacing Mrs. Johnstone (moving to Georgia)
- THIRD GRADE: Mrs. Mann replacing Mrs. Ferrara (moving to 5th), Miss Hillukka moving to MN – currently hiring
- FIFTH GRADE: Ms. Morgart replacing Mrs. Hunt
- BRAIN BOOSTERS: music every other week, visual arts every other week. Music pushing in to the classrooms on weeks she is not doing boosters. Boosters 45 minutes daily. Mrs. Morrell pushing into the library to help support library.
- ESP: Ms. Anna is resigning – Mr. Herrera replacing. Open position for the copy room/PlayWorks. Custodial support staff open position. Reading intervention aide open position. Mrs. Davies replacing Mr. Herrera in the office. Mrs. Robinson replacing Mrs. Jensen for the ALS program.
5. Review School Safety Report Action items – Scott Jameson, Principal
6. Report on current year’s TSSP and Land Trust Plan – Scott Jameson, Principal
- Discuss how funds were used and ensure that they were spent according to our current year’s plans
- PTA was able to help support with some prizes for attendance and the mindful room/corner boxes so we had about $4500 leftover.
- According to the plan, these extra funds went to our iReady licenses for next school year – this was previously agreed on.
7. Process to publicize what we have done this year to the school community – Katie Rowley, Chair
- Submit information to Utah’s Trust Lands Administration (can be featured on their social media channels
- Announce the need for a new SCC Chair (anyone interested?)
- SCC recruitment and next elections will happen in the fall of 2025
8. Cell Tower Expenditure for October DLI Conference
- Scott Jameson, Principal: October DLI Conference – requesting funding for 5 additional teachers to attend, about $2,000.
- Motion: Jared Denton
- Second: Pam Brooks
- Approved by: All present were in favor
- Katie Rowley, Chair: Extra funds from Spanish Assistant Lunches ($750 of $1,000 left) Can it go to principal discretionary for boosting team morale?
- Motion: Marco Zavaleta
- Second: Dawn Davies
- Approved by: All present were in favor
9. Other Input/Questions (No action can be taken on matters that were not listed specifically on the agenda. Any significant items of discussion may be tabled and placed on the agenda for a later date).
10.Adjourn 4:06 – Katie Rowley, Chair