917 E. Larkspur Drive Sandy, UT 84094
Office: 801-826-7600

March 16, 2021 – Minutes

Alta View Elementary SCC Minutes
March 16, 2021, 3:15 p.m.
This meeting was held electronically via video conference:

Welcome/Roll Call: Present: Amy Gutierrez, Jackie Jones, Jennifer Rupp, Pamela Brooks, Allyn Kau, Rachel Anderson, Scott Jameson, Jessica Davies, Rebecca Wright, Beth Floyd, Noelle Jones, Rebecca Little Not present: Vickie Hulderson

Meeting convened at 3:19 PM by Rachel Anderson.

Approval of SCC Minutes from 2/16/21. Motion to approve the minutes by Rebecca Wright, seconded by Pamela Brooks. Motion approved.

Business Items:

  1. School Safety Drill Update: Scott Jameson. On March 3, 2021, Alta View Elementary had its hazardous materials drill. This was conducted at a staff level and was successful. The next school safety drill will occur on April 15, 2021. This safety drill will be an earthquake drill and the school will participate with the rest of the state of Utah in the “Great Utah Shake Out.” We have been given permission to do a full evacuation if desired.

This was an informative agenda item only.

  1. Development/Feedback on the working draft of the Teacher and Student Success Plan (TSSP) and the Land Trust Plan for 2021-22: Scott Jameson. The goals were adopted by the SCC during the February meeting. Mr. Jameson gave a detailed explanation of the action plans associated with these goals. The goals will be met through various ways, including programs, tracking, and the use of aides and scaffolding to help students. The money the school will be given will go, in part, towards salary payment for aides, funding for a summer reading program, the iReady computer program, and the purchase of professional development books to help implement “number talks” into our math education. Ideally, the school will expand from 8 full-time aides to 10. Concern was expressed that we need to have continued support for teachers so they do not feel overwhelmed with the action plans. The plans will include adding math aides for the 2021-22 school year, which will hopefully help teachers to continue to feel support in both math and reading. It was also expressed that the SCC does not want the teachers to feel overwhelmed with too many new programs, and it was felt that, at this time, there are minimal new programs that will add a burden to teachers at the school. The Building Leadership Team had expressed that they did not feel that the goal implementation plans would over-burden teachers at the school.

The Social-Emotional goal will be met through maintaining staff at the school whom will be able to help meet the social-emotional needs of our students. The school will also have a wellness room, and the continuation of programs (such as Playworks, lunch-bunch groups, and the Jr. Coach program to help students). Teachers will work collaboratively with office staff, behavioral interventionalists, and the social worker to help students with their social-emotional well-being.

Motion made to approve the TSSP for 2021-22 by Noelle Jones, seconded by Jessica Davies. Motion passed.

Motion made to approve the Land Trust Plans for 2021-22 by Noelle Jones, seconded by Jessica Davies. Motion passed.

Beth Floyd abstained.  Jen Rupp recused herself to avoid conflict of interest.

  1. Equity Update- Amy Gutierrez:
    1. Update on the school’s efforts: The school is moving forward with equity training and updates under the direction of the district. The District is currently working on equity education and planning, and Alta View will be working in conjunction with that.
    2. Discussion: Equity Resolution from the Utah State Office of Education. The USOE Equity resolution was introduced to the faculty and staff at Alta View Elementary at the faculty meeting on March 3, 2021. Teachers were given a feedback form to help the school understand how we can best address and promote equity within the school. Alta View will be implementing the “Second Step Learning for Justice” lessons, and there will be continued roll-out of these lessons during the 2021-22 school year.

This was an informative agenda item only.

Other Input/Questions:

Allyn Kau encouraged the school to find a way to allow volunteers to connect with parents to be an additional resource for parents who may desire extra help for their students due to the COVID slide. She suggested a possible consent form or way for parents to allow volunteers to connect with them if desired. This is something that may be explored and discussed at a future meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 4:25 PM by Rachel Anderson

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