917 E. Larkspur Drive Sandy, UT 84094
Office: 801-826-7600

March 15, 2022 – Minutes

Alta View Elementary SCC Minutes
March 15, 2022, 3:15 p.m.
In-person in the Alta View Faculty Room

Meeting convened at 3:20 p.m. by Rachel Anderson.

Welcome/Roll Call

 Present: Rachel Anderson (Chair), Pamela Brooks, Rebecca Brown, Jessica Davies, Beth Floyd, Scott Jameson, Jackie Jones, Allyn Kau, Jorge López, Noelle Jones, Jennifer Rupp

Not Present: Kristy Whiteside

Visitors: Shannon Birrenbach, Alexis Epling, Christina Hanks (Kindergarten teachers)

Approve SCC Minutes from 2/15/22

Rachel Anderson will fix the minutes to show that Jackie Jones was present in February.

A motion was made to approve the February 15, 2022 minutes. Jennifer Rupp seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by those members who were present at the meeting.

School Safety Updates

  1. Safety drill update

 Scott Jameson reported that the next drill on is the hazardous materials drill. Students are not needed to leave the classroom. Teachers will need to supervise.

    2. Covid-19 Update

 Cases of Covid-19 continue to go down. There have not been conflicts about wearing masks, and we hope we are coming back to normal.

2022-23 TSSP/Land Trust Plan Review, Approve, and Sign Signature Sheet

Mr. Jameson presented a new issue to the SCC. We are noticing the numbers of student enrollment are dropping. Altara Elementary being added as a Spanish DLI school is potentially hurting our enrollment numbers because it is further south thus that much closer to all the residents in the south end of the County. We are also still dealing with a reputation of being a hard school get into in the past, even though that’s no longer the case. This issue is primarily affecting our Kindergarten and First Grade enrollment right now. Due to the low enrollment, we may be at risk of losing some of our teachers. Mr. Jameson underlined how important is will be to get more 1st and kindergarten student to enroll. The members of the SCC discussed ideas on how to get the word out and “recruit” enrollment to kindergarten and first grade.

Mr. Jameson explained that he secured funding from the School District to be able to cover one teacher from 1st grade.

In regards to Kindergarten, however, the projects show that only 1.5 teachers are needed. We want to keep all three members of our kindergarten team, however. The kindergarten team of Shannon Birrenbach, Alexis Epling, and Christina Hanks were present to discuss how things are going in kindergarten this year and the desire to keep the entire team. The supplemental kindergarten class is pretty full, but does have one open spot. The am/pm classes are small this year. The students are excelling in reading and math.

Mr. Jameson proposed supplementing the funding for our kindergarten team (if and to the extent that enrollment doesn’t pick up before the start of next school year) through some of our TSSP money. The District is going to step up and pay for some of the items we had previously identified as being funded by TSSP, so we do have some wiggle room to use this money on teachers.

Mr. Jameson then moved on to discuss the rest of the TSSP/Land Trust plans.

Reading Action Plan

The Building Leadership Team (BLT) agreed with the SCC about bringing down the goals numbers to 70%, as opposed to the previous 75% goal. Mr. Jameson worked through the 13 points in the plan. Noteworthy items are that we are changing our reading program from Reading Street to Wonders. He also discussed the hard work that teachers are doing in obtaining their required LETRS training.

Math Action Plan

Mr. Jameson walked through the action plan for math and explained how we are slowly implementing the new math program. Our main target is reading for this year. Then we’ll focus on math.

Behavior Action Plan

Mr. Jameson then walked through the funding for our behavior action plan. He explained that all the money for Jennifer Rupp, LCSW, is covered. We want to fund three behavior interventionists.

The SCC discussed the plan as presented.

Jessica Davies made a motion to approve the TSSP/Land Trust Plan, subject to Mr. Jameson being able to make minor changes before it is finalized. Rebecca Brown seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by those members who were present at the meeting.

Members of the SCC signed the plan documents.

Other Input/Questions




Rachel Anderson adjourned the meeting.
