917 E. Larkspur Drive Sandy, UT 84094
Office: 801-826-7600

February 21, 2023 – Minutes

Alta View Elementary SCC Agenda

February 21, 2023, 3:15 p.m.
In-person in the Alta View Faculty Room


  1. Welcome/Roll Call

Present: Rachel Anderson (Chair), Scott Jameson (Principal), Pam Brooks, Noelle Jones, Katie Rowley, Teylor Soto, Luisa Whittaker-Brooks

Not Present: Rebecca Brown, John Castro, Dawn Davis, Lori Hatton, Jorge López, Kristy Whiteside

Guests: Allyn Kau, Karen Pedersen


  1. Approve SCC Minutes from 1/17/23

Katie Rowley made a motion to approve the Minutes from 1/17/23. Dawn Davis seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by those members who were present at the meeting.


  1. School Safety Drill Update

Scott Jameson reported that on March 16, the school will hold a Carbon Monoxide Drill. There will be no siren, just an announcement to leave the building.


  1. Discussion of the 2023-24 TSSP/Land Trust Plan Continued. Discussion of Proposed Action Plans for Each Goal

Scott Jameson explained that we approved these goals last month, and this is a continued discussion of the plans. The plan goals and summary analysis are included in these minutes, but the full plan can be obtained from the school.


2023-24 Reading Goal:  We will have 75% of our students at or above proficiency benchmark scores, using the Acadience Composite Score and Reading Inventory proficiency standards (expected and exceeded growth) by May 2024.

Analysis Summary:

33% of students in Kindergarten through third grade did not meet proficiency standards for Acadience Reading Composite Score (RCS) benchmark testing, and 43% of students in fourth and fifth grade did not meet proficiency standards on the Reading Inventory (RI) as of January 2023. There is a performance gap between the general population and students identified as special education and English language learners. These students need strong tier one instruction and effective tier two skills-based instruction (SBI) time using research-based reading programs. It is also important that these students have well-trained teachers, including teachers that are new to the school or profession.

2023-24 Math Goal: 70% of K-5 Students will be at or above benchmark goals using Acadience Composite scores.  (Change from computation to composite scores in Acadience)

Analysis Summary:

As of January 2023, 36% of students in Kindergarten through fifth grade did not meet proficiency standards on the Acadience Math Composite Score. Our BLT identified basic math fact fluency as the barrier to improving the math composite results. 67% of students were proficient on the M-Comp in January 2023.


  1. Discussion of School Updates and Changes

Scott Jameson explained that the diagnostic kindergarten class is going away. These students  will be absorbed into the various programs in the District.

Mr. Jameson also reported that there has been a resignation of one teacher for next year. The name was withheld at this time.


  1. Other Input/Questions



  1. Adjourn

Katie Rowley took over for Rachel Anderson as Chair for the meeting when Rachel had to leave at 3:55. Katie Rowley adjourned the meeting at 4:16 p.m.


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