917 E. Larkspur Drive Sandy, UT 84094
Office: 801-826-7600

February 15, 2022 – Minutes

Alta View Elementary SCC Minutes
February 15, 2022, 3:15 p.m.
In-person in the Alta View Faculty Room


Meeting convened at 3:24 p.m. by Rachel Anderson. The meeting was held in person as posted on the meeting notice, but a Zoom option was added as an option for those who were unavailable to attend in person.

  1. Welcome/Roll Call

Present: Rachel Anderson (Chair), Pam Brooks, Jessica Davies, Beth Floyd, Scott Jameson, Allyn Kau, Noelle Jones, Jenn Rupp, Jackie Jones

Not Present: Rebecca Brown, Jorge López, Kristy Whiteside

Visitors: None

  1. Approve SCC Minutes from 1/18/22

Rachel Anderson will fix minutes to show that Jackie Jones was present in January.

Scott Jameson made a motion to approve the January 18, 2022. Noelle Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by those members who were present at the meeting.

  1. School Safety Updates
  1. Safety drill update

Mr. Jameson reported that the shelter in place drill in February went well. They found out that key cards were not showing up at the District Office when opening and closing the doors.

    2.Covid-19 Update

Mr. Jameson reported that we were in tier III and are now in tier II. Volunteers were allowed to attend for Valentine’s Day. We are still struggling to cover everyone this year. Lots of volunteers have helped, including Allyn Kau and Jessica Davies. He saw one fifth grade classroom had about 60% wearing masks. We have more wearing masks than before.

  1. TSSP Amendment Update

Mr. Jameson reported that the TSSP amendment was signed and will hopefully be approved at the Canyons School District Board Meeting tonight. We are trying to replace some iPads that are not working (especially in Mrs. Cornia’s class).

Because we cannot find people to hire, we want to use the money for the following:

  • Chromebook lab
  • Macbook computers, not only for Brain Boosters, but also for teachers to check out.
  • Headphones being ordered for testing.
  • We want to carry over 9% to use for next year.
  1. Discuss and Approve 2022-23 TSSP/Land Trust Goals

Mr. Jameson led the discussion and began with proficiency benchmarks. BLT decided to keep the goal at 75% for this year (that is the same as last year, but 5% less than the year before). Noelle Jones mentioned that teachers are seeing students with very low scores and who have never experienced school. They lack the most basic skills of sitting in a seat and paying attention in class. We want to have our goal be attainable.

Pathways to Progress goal looks at each student to see if they are making adequate growth compared to others of the same age. Benchmark goals have stayed the same for years, but the students are starting at such a lower level that even making our adjusted goal will be difficult.

Allyn Kau wants goals to reflect the growth that is made, even if still below benchmark. Scott asked to put in the notes that we need to explore Growth Goals with our Building Leadership Team (BLT) and see if we can find a way to show the growth children are making and teachers are working hard to achieve. Allyn suggested maybe even dropping the benchmark to 70% or 65% to show the District how dire the situation is. There was some discussion about how to hire and keep staff members. One principal decided to make these positions full-time with benefits and then he began to get applicants. Let teachers know that the SCC is supportive of individual grades having different goals to reflect attainable goals or keeping the same if that seems best. Mr. Jameson will present that idea to the BLT.

Behavior goal deals with data from the SRSS-IE survey that teachers fill out twice a year. We already met our goal of 10% of the combined (internalizing and externalizing) behaviors by mid-year, so the BLT wanted to adjust the goal to 20% combined decrease in these behaviors.

Allyn Kau made a motion to approve theTSSP/Land Trust goals, with the direction that growth goals be analyzed and considered for next year’s plan. Noelle Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by those members who were present at the meeting.

  1. Other Input/Questions

Mr. Jameson shared an update on the cell tower matter. The cell tower has been approved and he shared with them that the SCC would like to have input about the design of the tower. We are waiting to see designs from the company.

Rachel Anderson explained that Rebecca Brown, who was unable to attend today, wanted to hear an update about the idea of paying private tutors to come into the school. Mr. Jameson explained that he checked and learned that we cannot use private tutors in the building. However, we can have our own teachers tutor before or after school and be paid for their efforts. We could implement that this year as some teachers have already been doing this for free. We do have to adjust teachers’ schedules so that they make up their planning time outside of the time they are tutoring.

Tutoring can also happen during the summer if teachers are willing and if the schedules worked with cleaning the school.

Rachel Anderson gave a shout out to Allyn Kau for renting a room at the County Library to help kids complete their Friday packets if they need help.

  1. Adjourn

Rachel Anderson adjourned the meeting at 4:17 p.m.

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