917 E. Larkspur Drive Sandy, UT 84094
Office: 801-826-7600

December 15, 2020 – Minutes

Alta View Elementary SCC Agenda
December 15, 2020, 3:15 p.m.

This meeting was held electronically via video conference:

Welcome/Roll Call

Meeting convened at 3:19 PM

In attendance: Rachel Anderson, Jessica Davies, Scott Jameson, Beth Floyd, Allyn Kau, Rebecca Brown Wright, Pam Brooks, Becki Little, Jackie Jones, Jennifer Rupp, Noelle Jones, Vickie Hulderson

Visitors: Julie Cornia

Approve SCC Minutes from 11/17/20. Motioned Rebecca Brown Wright, seconded by Jessica Davies. Motion approved.

Business Items:

  1. School Safety Drill Update: Scott Jameson

The December 2020 drill was an Escape Drill. This drill is for the teachers to review and understand what they should do in the event there is an intruder inside the school. This training was conducted with teachers only, the elementary students did not participate.

The January 2021 drill will be a fire drill. Due to COVID, students will not evacuate during this drill.

This was an informative agenda item only.

  1. Approval of the School Safety Plan: Scott Jameson

The district safety plan can be found here: www.canyonsdistrict.org/safe-schools . As a follow up from our November SCC meeting, Mr. Jameson quickly reviewed the required documents and questions with the SCC that need to be turned into the District. Concerns have been raised about the bus area and loading areas. Parents are parking in front of fire hydrants and blocking the bus lanes. This will be included in our School Safety Plan.

Under “additional concerns,” it was concluded that we should add that we need to consider and address possible concerns for social-emotional needs at Alta View Elementary, especially with regards to COVID-related stressors. 

This item was motioned to be accepted as presented with changes to the “additional concern” question. Pam Brooks motioned to approve the School Safety Plan with the changes noted and Noelle Jones seconded the motion. Motion approved.

  1. Approval of the Safe Walking Route Plan: Scott Jameson

Mr. Jameson reviewed the State Routes Plan 2021-22 year as a follow up to our November 17th SCC meeting. SCC members discussed a few typos and a few suggestions for minor changes to the document that did not significantly change the purpose or meaning of the document. Those changes were made.

An adjustment was made to the map at the Buddlea Dr. and Carnation Dr. intersection so that students will turn North onto Carnation Dr. and go to Larkspur Dr. instead of walking up Buddlea Dr. There is no crosswalk available to cross Carnation Dr. at Buddlea Dr. and therefore is not a safe area to cross. The new adjustment will be safer so students are able to cross with a crosswalk and crossing guard.

The congestion in the bus area is an ongoing issue and we will request as an SCC that the District help us come up with a viable solution to this problem. Some suggestions were made and we will continue to work to come up with a more long-term viable solution.

Parents park between the bus entrance and exit zones, which is creating an un-safe loading and unloading environment. The SCC is suggesting that the city create a “no parking” zone between the bus entrances and exits to minimize confusion and create a safer pick up/drop off environment.

2nd paragraph Safe Routes Plan: concerns for community- fix is to say “it”

Motion made to approve the Safe Walking Route Plan with the discussed changes. Motion made by Vickie Hulderson and seconded by Beth Floyd. Motion was passed.

  1. Digital Citizenship Plan Update and Presentation: Julie Cornia

SCC watched an informative video that explains how the District is working to keep students safe online. Ms. Cornia explained the ways the District filters devices within the District networks and shared safe-guards the District has in place with student accounts, apps, etc. The District procedures in place for violations was also discussed.

Training for teachers will occur in February of 2021, and students will participate in Digital Citizenship week as well. Digital Citizenship plans have been pushed back to February this year because of the pandemic. The District has additional resources for parents on the District website. The SCC will go through the plan in January 2021 so that it will be prepared to turn in before the deadline in February of 2021. Mr. Jameson asked the SCC to think of any ideas they may have to make Digital Citizenship more meaningful for our January meeting.

This was an informative agenda item only.

Other Input/Questions:

            No additional input or questions were expressed.

Motion to adjourn by Allyn Kau at 4:24 PM.

The next SCC meeting will be on 01/19/2021

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