917 E. Larkspur Drive Sandy, UT 84094
Office: 801-826-7600

April 19, 2022 – Minutes

Alta View Elementary SCC Minute

April 19, 2022, 3:15 p.m.
In-person in the Alta View Faculty Room


Meeting convened at 3:20 p.m. by Beth Floyd.

  1. Welcome/Roll Call

Present: Beth Floyd (Vice-Chair), Pamela Brooks, Rebecca Brown, Jessica Davies, Scott Jameson, Jackie Jones, Allyn Kau, Jorge López, Noelle Jones, Jennifer Rupp, Kristy Whiteside

Not Present: Rachel Anderson (Chair)

Visitors: Cambria Corsi (school psych), Karen Pederson (school board candidate)

  1. Approve SCC Minutes from 3/15/22

 A motion was made to approve the March 15, 2022 minutes. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously by those members who were present at the meeting.

  1. School Safety Updates

Scott Jameson reported that the Hazardous Materials drill was conducted on March 24. This drill does not involve the students. The information was shared with the teachers in a PowerPoint. On April 21 at 10:15 AM our entire school will be participating in The Great Utah Shakeout. This is an earthquake drill practices once a year across the state of Utah and is in collaboration with a nation-wide drill. Information about earthquake preparedness will also be sent home to parents in the April 22 Alta View Update.

  1. Review Positive Behavior Plan

Jenn Rupp (school social worker), Noelle Jones (instructional coach), and Cambria Corsi (school psych) reported on the Draft of the Positive Behavior Plan for 2022-23 and asked for feedback from the SCC. The agenda item was only to gather feedback on the plan and a vote to approve was not needed. The Positive Behavior Plan includes the following:

  1. What learning opportunities and/or activities will your school provide to teach students about peer pressure, mental health and creating positive relationships?
    1. Daily Morning Meetings built into the school-wide Master Schedule (supports from district and school SEL staff)
    2. Lunch Bunches (Tier 1 & 2 intervention based on teacher observation, SRSS-IE data, MINDful Room data)
    3. Restorative Circles (Community Building Circles)
    4. Small group and 1:1 sessions with the SEL staff (social worker, school psych, MTSS Behavior Interventionist)
    5. Supplemental Lessons led by school SEL staff
    6. Use of classroom calming corners and school-wide use of MINDful room (wellness room)
    7. Implementation of Playworks, including Junior Coaches
    8. School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (common school rules-KEYS, KEYS Cards through Dojo Points, KEYS Kids Awards Certificates, Principal’s Pride Slips, Principal’s Pride incentive program)
    9. Botvin Lifeskills for 4th grade taught by social worker
    10. Digital Citizenship lessons
    11. Citizenship Classes and Restorative Practices implemented (Tier 3 intervention for students who receive office discipline referrals)
    12. Provide parent resources via Alta View Updates and other communications (emails, ParentSquare, school website, social media, etc)
    13. Develop a plan that will promote attendance to encourage student engagement and participation in school
  2. PBP may include programs, clubs, service opportunities, pro-social activities. Please list any of these resources your school will implement this school year:
    1. Playworks Junior Coaches
    2. Student Council and Student Council activities (service fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Harry Potter Penny Wars, promote character building activities)
    3. Principal’s Challenge—Give a compliment a day, which is promoted on morning announcements
    4. Holiday Service Opportunity coordinated with entire community (parents, students, and staff)
    5. School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (common school rules-KEYS, KEYS Cards through Dojo Points, Principal’s Pride Slips, Principal’s Pride incentive program)
    6. Red Ribbon Week
    7. White Ribbon Week
    8. PTA Family Fun App Activities (activities families can do over the holidays to strengthen relationships among family members) with prizes
    9. Family Supports and Resources for Drug, Alcohol, and Self-harming Behaviors
    10. SafeUT app and resources
    11. Canyons Family Center
    12. Stabilization and Mobile Response Unit
    13. Utah’s Portrait of a Graduate
  3. Please list the name of your Positive Behavior Specialist who will be responsible for implementing the plan, submitting annual reports and coordination and training with Responsive Services:
    1. Jenn Rupp, school social worker
    2. Noelle Jones, school instructional coach
  1. Staffing Update

Scott Jameson reported that as of 4/19, Libby McShinsky (5th Grade Teacher) and Bruce Wagner (Custodian) are retiring at the end of this school year. Mr. Flink, one of the other 5th grade teachers, will be replacing Mrs. McShinsky in 5th grade English DLI. Mrs. Janae Hunt will be moving from 4th grade to take Mr. Flink’s spot in 5th grade. We rehired Erin Brinkman to replace Mrs. Hunt in 4th Grade English DLI. Mrs. Maria Pereira will be heading back to Spain after 7 great years at Alta View. We will be hiring another 3rd grade Spanish DLI teacher to replace her in May. Mrs. Chambray Christensen is resigning to move out of state so her husband can attend law school. We also have a few other non-licensed positions that have opened up and will be posted over the next month.

  1. Other Input/Questions


  1. Adjourn

Beth Floyd adjourned the meeting at 4:30 PM.

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