917 E. Larkspur Drive Sandy, UT 84094
Office: 801-826-7600

May 21, 2024 – Agenda

DRAFT | Alta View Elementary SCC Agenda | DRAFT
May 21, 2024 | 3:15 p.m.
In-person in the Alta View Faculty Room

  1. Welcome/Roll Call – Katie Rowley, Chair
  1. Approve SCC Minutes from March 19, 2024 – Katie Rowley, Chair
  1. School Safety Updates – Scott Jameson, Principal
    • Finally got the badge reader and door knob fixed!
    • Drills
  1. Staffing Updates – Scott Jameson, Principal
  1. Review School Safety Report Action items – Scott Jameson, Principal
  1. Report on current year’s TSSP and Land Trust Plan – Scott Jameson, Principal
    • Discuss how funds were used and ensure that they were spent according to our current year’s plans
    • Did our current plan make a difference in our goal areas? Data-driven discussion
  1. Process to publicize what we have done this year to the school community – Katie Rowley, Chair
    • Submit information to Utah’s Trust Lands Administration (can be featured on their social media channels
    • Announce the need for a new SCC Chair (anyone interested?)
    • SCC recruitment and next elections will happen in the fall of 2025
  1. Cell Tower Expenditure for October DLI Conference
    • Scott Jameson, Principal: October DLI Conference
    • Katie Rowley, Chair: Extra funds from Spanish Assistant Lunches ($750 of $1,000 left)
      1. Can it go to principal discretionary for boosting team morale?
  1. Other Input/Questions (No action can be taken on matters that were not listed specifically on the agenda. Any significant items of discussion may be tabled and placed on the agenda for a later date).
  1. Adjourn – Katie Rowley, Chair
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