917 E. Larkspur Drive Sandy, UT 84094
Office: 801-826-7600

February 18, 2020 – Minutes

Welcome/Roll Call

Pam Brooks, Julia Cornia, Vickie Hulderson, Jessica Davies, Scott Jameson, Allyn Kau, Lisa Talbot, Noelle Jones, Ciara White, Matthew Toone, Hillary Hewitt, Denisse Mateo-Crowell

Guests: Jesse Flink, Libby McShinsky

Members not Present: Rachel Anderson

Meeting called to order at 3:18 by Hillary Hewitt

Approve SCC Minutes

Hillary moves to accept, Pam seconds. All in favor, none opposed.

Continuing Business

1. Emergency Drills Update

a. Presented by Jesse Flink: The most recent drill was shelter in place on Feb 10th. All doors locked properly, windows were secure and the drill ran smoothly in general. This drill was done knowing that each grade had at least one sub per grade, so it was a good chance for everyone to test communication with subs.

b. The next drill, Hazardous Materials Spill, is scheduled for March 17th

New Business

1. Development/Feedback on the working draft of the Land Trust and Teacher and Student Success Plan for 2020-21.

a. TSSP for 20/21 will be covered by the SCC twice this year for development/feedback.

b. Noelle presented TSSP Data review: our academic goal for this year is to have 80% of our students at or above proficiency benchmark scores, using the Acadience Composite Score and Reading Inventory proficiency standards (expected and exceeded growth) by May 2020.

i. Reading: Pathways of Progress Fall-Winter

1. K: 91%, 1st: 54%, 2nd: 71%, 3rd: 70%, 4th: 70%, 5th: 60%

ii. Math data/ Math composite

1. K: 53% to 78%, 1st: 53% to 55%, 2nd: 70% to 80%, 3rd: 67% to 85%, 4th: 71% to 78%, 5th: 73% to 83%.

c. The 95% Group, Inc. program for reading, that was instituted this year at an upfront investment of approx. $10,000, has resulted in notable improvement with students who tested into intervention at the start of the school year.

d. The summer reading program will be offered again in 2020.

2. The BLT will be meeting to discuss 20/21 goals on March 2nd. The primary focus will again be on reading improvement.

3. Behavior/School Climate Data – the plan is to have the same goal for Behavior/School Climate for 20/21 (a 10% reduction in both minor and major incidents).

a. Minor (with parent contact) vs. Major

i. Minor: LY 233 (goal to reduce to 210 or by 10%) vs TYTD 170 (80% of target but only 63% of the way through the school year)

ii. Major (Office Discipline Referral) LY 134 (goal to reduce to 120 or by 10%) vs TYTD 81 (68% of target and 63% of the way through school year)

iii. Each school has created their own definition of what behaviors/events qualify as major vs. minor. Alta View revised the definition for our school in November.

b. In place this year: we added a second behavior interventionists at 28 hrs per week. We currently have an opening. This year we have a half-time social worker and a half-time psychologist. Mr. Jameson is working towards having the budget for a full-time social worker.

c. Some ideas being considered to help us reach our goal this year:

i. Evaluate the implementation of the Playworks program and make needed adjustments.

ii. Hire and train a second behavior interventionist to specifically supervise the

playground every day during recess in order to ensure the Playworks program is running as it should.

iii. Provide retraining for junior coaches.

iv. Keep students in the cafeteria longer and shorter lunch outside recess.

v. Spread out the lunch periods to have fewer children on the playground at the same time (Right now grades are separated by 10 minutes. We are trying to design a schedule that separates grades by 15 minutes).

d. How can we track the data to have a clearer picture? Is it possible to identify repeat offenders in a way that shows improvement over time? One suggestion is to compile office referrals by quarter and use data to work with individual students to reduce office referrals.

Other Input/Questions

Presented by Libby McShinsky: She requested input from the SCC regarding the play that the students will put on, Peter Pan, for the end of the year. In order to respect diversity, she is considering having the Indian characters (Tigerlily and others) wear U of U colors and logs instead of having the children wear stereotypical costumes. No one presented any issues with this plan.

2. Cultural Diversity night follow-up: Mr. Jameson collected our feedback and met with the PTA president to share. The PTA will let him know what help them may need.

3. Jessica Little, who said her father, Scott Little, is on the White City Council said White City and Canyons School District are in conversation about the issue around traffic on Carnation.

Moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:50 by Hillary Hewitt. Matt seconded, all in favor. Meeting adjourned.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org