917 E. Larkspur Drive Sandy, UT 84094
Office: 801-826-7600

Last Day of School Event/ Chromebook Drop off

Announcing: Alta View Parade of Celebration/Chromebook Drop-off

Due to the many requests we’ve had from students, parents, and teachers to be able to say good bye at the end of a very unique school year, we are organizing a Parade of Celebration at Alta View. This is will also be a fun way to return the chromebooks that were checked out. Lisa Talbot, who has decided to retire after a wonderfully successful 35-year career, will be our Honorable Grand Marshall.

When: Friday, May 29th (Last day of school) at 10:30 AM until it ends

Where: Alta View’s Drop-off Zone

Parade Details:

  • Teachers will be standing on the curb of the school’s drop-off zone (socially distanced of course!) waving at students. Some might even dress up, have signs/messages for you, or do something else creative. Come and find out how they plan to say goodbye.
  • Kids can wave as parents drive through the drop-off zone. You are welcome to decorate your car, put signs on the car, or write messages to teachers on the windows, or do something fun if you like as long as you are safe. Even if you don’t decorate your car, come anyway and celebrate with us! We just want to see you all one more time in person. All students and parents participating in the parade must be in cars for safety reasons; no parade participants can walk. For those of you who have asked about how to give your child’s teacher an end-of-year gift, this would be a good time to do so, although teachers are more than happy just to see the kids smiling faces and receive a wave.
  • Parents, please know that this Parade of Celebration is also a chance for our staff to say Thank You to all of you who have worked so hard to support the online learning the past two months. You deserve a parade as well!

Chromebook Return: All Chromebooks, library books, and other school materials MUST be returned no later than May 29th!

  • The chromebook return will also take place during the parade. Cars will enter the student drop-off zone from Larkspur and drive through the parade. At the end of the loading zone, those with chromebooks will turn left into the parking lot to return chromebooks. You can also drop off any other school materials in same parking lot locations as the chromebooks (ie. library books, classroom books, baggie books, or any other materials belonging to the school that did not get dropped off during our student belonging pick-up on 5/11). Students who do not have chromebooks or other materials to return will exit directly onto Crocus and head for home.
  • For those who would like to simply drop off the chromebook or other materials, but not participate in the parade, go directly into the parking lot between 10 – 10:30 AM so you can get in and out prior to the parade.
  • If you are not able to return chromebooks or other school materials on May 29th, please contact Alison Sepulveda in the office 801-826-7600 or alison.sepulveda@canyonsdistrict.org to make arrangements to drop them off prior to May 29th during our regular May office hours 8 AM – 2:30 PM. Again, All Chromebooks, library books, and other school materials MUST be returned no later than May 29th!

We hope you will be able to join us on May 29th at 10:30 AM for Alta View’s Parade of Celebration and Chromebook Return!

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