917 E. Larkspur Drive Sandy, UT 84094
Office: 801-826-7600

May 16, 2023 – Agenda

Alta View Elementary SCC Agenda
May 16, 2023, 3:15 p.m.
In-person in the Alta View Faculty Room


  1. Welcome/Roll Call – Chair Rachel Anderson


  1. Approve SCC Minutes from 4/19/22 – Chair Rachel Anderson


  1. School Safety Updates – Principal Scott Jameson


  1. Discuss SCC Open Seats for 2022-23 Year; Possibly Elect Leadership – Chair Rachel Anderson


  1. Discuss Publicizing our Years’ Work and Success to Community and Legislators – Chair Rachel Anderson


  1. Other Input/Questions (No action can be taken on matters that were not listed specifically on the agenda. Any significant items of discussion may be tabled and placed on the agenda for a later date).


  1. Adjourn





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