917 E. Larkspur Drive Sandy, UT 84094
Office: 801-826-7600

March 31, 2020 – Minutes

Welcome/Roll Call: Pam Brooks, Julia Cornia, Vickie Hulderson, Jessica Davies, Scott Jameson, Allyn Kau, Lisa Talbot, Noelle Jones, Ciara White, Matthew Toone, Denisse Mateo-Crowell, Rachel Anderson
Guests: none
Members not Present: Hillary Hewitt

Meeting called to order at by Rachel Anderson called to order at 3:19 pm

Approve SCC Minutes from 2/18/20:Noelle moved to approve, Denise seconded. All in favor, none opposed – minutes approved.

Continuing Business:
Emergency Drills Update;

    1. March 17th: a hazardous materials drill was scheduled and took place with no issues.
    2. Next drill is an earthquake drill. Waiting for the district to provide direction since we school is closed.

New Business:

  1. Review and Approval of the final draft of the Land Trust Plan and Teacher and Student Success Plan {TSSP) for 2020-21.
    1. Reading:
      1. Will remain a primary focus for next year.
      2. 26% of students K-3 and 40% of students 4-5 do not meet their respective proficiency standards as of Jan 2020.
      3. Reading goal: 80% of all students meet or exceed proficiency standards/measures by May 2021.
      4. Actions to achieve reading goals include: Focused professional development, include students in setting and achieving goals, teachers set grade level goals, hire and train interventionists to support students, continue 95% program, two-teacher model summer reading program, etc.
      5. Measurement: Acadience and proficiency testing results {data collected 3 times per year)
      6. Plans are in place for both addressing the needs of students with disabilities and english language learning students.
      7. Data will be presented to all stakeholders in the most appropriate settings: parent teacher conferences, SCC meetings, Building Leadership Team, staff meetings, etc.
      8. How will school closure impact RISE testing that normally takes place at the end of the year to establish a benchmark? RISE testing was canceled due to COVID. 
      9. The district is continuing to pay interventionists in order to both take care of families. They have been very active in preparing the school for closures as well as stepping up to help wherever needed.
    2. School Climate:
      1. Progress towards the goal in this area for this year is no longer accurate/trackable due to school closure.
      2. Students have shown increased emotional challenges and externalized behaviors. We will be shifting the focus to align with supporting students’ social/emotional needs.
      3. Most often, undesired behavior has been determined to be a result of unmet needs either at school or at home.
      4. 20/21 Goal: Decrease by 10%, the number of students who exhibit moderate/high negative behavioral incidents.
      5. We will hire/staff a full time social worker.
      6. Teachers will continue to log both in classroom incidents and office referrals in the dashboard.
      7. Consequences will be based on restorative practices, including citizenship classes that reteach appropriate communication and respect for others to encourage increased empathy.
      8. Awards: Students may receive tokens for the book vending machine, KEYS certificate ceremony {that parents are invited to attend) for students has been well received, and student incentives including quarterly drawings.
      9. Morning meetings/circles, it is all about relationships, both establishing and restoring them. Increased focus on empathy that will eventually translate to both their fellow students and others in the school.
      10. Implement and coordinate The Second Steps program provides lessons for circle meetings and citizenship classes. The district has provided funding for 2 per grade: We need 4 sets of materials per grade. Mr. Jameson will look into identifying additional funding as needed. The program materials will be used as curriculum for morning meetings/circles.
      11. Progress to goal will be monitored through SRRS-IE survey data captured 3 times per year, collecting info regarding major and minor behavioral incidents, etc. and shared through BLT and ILPC meetings, Principal Pride slips sent home to parents, parent teacher conferences, SCC, etc.
    3. Land Trust money: approx $80,000. There will be little to no carry over next year of funds not used this year. There is a possibility that the number will shift, based on stock market performance.
    4. TSSA money: the schools received 75% of the total and the district receives approx. 25% {primarily for teacher salaries).
      1. The budgeted funds will cover: a social worker, additional hours for behavior interventionist, instructional aides, summer reading program, student incentives, substitutes for conferences and meetings, There may be funds left over from this year. Projected usage for 19/20 approx. $67,000, projected budget for 20/21 $70,500. We anticipate that there will be carry over from 19/20 to supplement 20/21.
    • Allyn asked if the teachers have anything specific or additional that they would like to have considered/included and have they had an opportunity to give input on how the money is spent? Because the plan is developed with the BLT, they provide input. Non-BLT SCC members communicated a general feeling that the plan as is, including the way the money is being spent, is on target.
    • Rachel made a motion to approve the plan as presented. Jessica seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Plan approved as presented.
    • A physical vote needs to be conducted in order to submit to district. See emails sent by Hillary and Mr. Jameson includes the statement provided by the district that indicates participation and acceptance. Each SCC member needs to email Mr. Jameson with their response. 
  • How will PTA fundraiser cancelation impact the classrooms? The spring fundraiser has been cancelled, which will severely impact funding for PTA programs next year. Some options include: no-fuss fundraiser or hold a fall fundraiser instead.
  • Staffing update:
    1. Kay Bailey resigned. The position will be filled by Jessica Blades.
    2. Our school social worker has been promoted and a replacement has been hired.
    3. One K teacher, Melissa Hansen, has left and a new teacher, Shannon Barenbach, has been hired.
    4. 5th first grade position will be added. Interviews underway.
    5. 2 DLI teachers are at the end of their contract. The district is working towards coordinating with Spain to interview and hire new teachers.
  • Rachel closes the meeting at 4:32 pm

Other Input/Questions:

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