917 E. Larkspur Drive Sandy, UT 84094
Office: 801-826-7600

SCC Bylaws

Article I – Name

Alta View Elementary School Community Council (SCC)

Article II – Laws

Article III – Standing Rules

  1. Council Membership
    1. The Alta View Elementary School Community Council shall consist of 13 members, as follows:
      1. Eight (8) parent or guardian representatives
      2. Four (4) school employee representatives
      3. One (1) school principal
  1. The Alta View Elementary School Community Council may, by a two-thirds vote of all members (not just two-thirds of a quorum), increase or decrease the number of Council members so long as the number of parent or guardian members always exceeds the number of school employee members (including the Principal), by two (2) members. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall the Council include less than four (4) or more than twelve (12) parent or guardian members, and in no event shall the Council include less than five (5) school employee representatives (including the Principal). Any changes must be reflected in an update to these Bylaws.
  2. In the event that not enough people apply to fill all vacant parent or guardian positions, the Council will, for quorum and voting purposes for that school year only, include less than eight (8) parent or guardian representatives, so long as at all times, the number of parent or guardian representatives exceeds the number of school employee and principal representatives by two (2) members. The following year, the Council will again attempt to fill all eight (8) of its parent or guardian positions.
  3. Membership will be determined by a yearly election process that takes place at the beginning of each school year, and that follows the guidelines provided by the School Land Trust Program and the State of Utah.
  4. Members will serve for a two (2) year term. Parent/guardian members of the Alta View School Community Council must have a child in attendance in the fall of the first year of any term. Members may serve an unlimited number of consecutive terms.


  1. Expectation of Attendance
    1. The expectation of the Alta View Elementary School Community Council is that members will be in attendance at all meetings.
    2. If members are unable to attend posted meetings, notification should be given to the Chair ahead of the scheduled meeting time.
    3. Missing three (3) meetings during a given school year may be grounds for the respective member to be removed from the Council. The decision of whether to remove a member after three absences will be made at the discretion of the Council Chair, who will also notify the member of the removal. Replacement members may be appointed by the respective group (parent/guardian or employee). If no replacement is selected, the Council will, for quorum and voting purposes, continue that school year with a temporarily reduced number of members, so long as at all times, the number of parent or guardian representatives exceeds the number of school employee and principal representatives by two (2) members. Replacement members will fulfill the rest of the previously dismissed member’s elected tenure and must follow normal procedures for the re-election process, if desired.
    4. Other resignations or vacancies occurring mid-year shall be replaced or left vacant in the same manner as described immediately above.


2. School Community Council Leadership

    1. Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary positions will be elected for the period of a one-year term. Positions may be continued for consecutive terms.
    2. The Chair position will be held by a parent member, while the Vice-Chair position will be held by either a parent or employee member of the Alta View School Community Council.
    3. The Secretary position will be either a parent or employee member of the Alta View School Community Council.


3. Quorum

    1. A majority of the members of the Alta View School Community Council is a quorum for the transaction of business.
    2. The action of a majority of the members of a quorum is the action of the Alta View School Community Council, except that a vote to amend the Bylaws to change the number of Council members shall be by a two-thirds vote of all members, irrespective of the quorum status, as stated in Section 1.b. above.


4. Meetings

    1. The Alta View School Community Council is subject to open and public meeting laws pursuant to Utah Code Ann. § 53G-7-1203. All meetings must happen in accordance with the law and be publicly noticed.
    2. All meetings will be conducted using Robert’s Rules of Order. Members of the Alta View School Community Council, guests, and the public in attendance shall follow the proper rules of order and procedure.
    3. Members of the public are encouraged to attend Alta View School Community Council Meetings. Guests may share appropriate input on subjects that fall under the Alta View School Community Council’s purview. Items that are appropriate for discussion by the Alta View School Community Council include, but are not limited to:
  1. Teacher Student Success Plan (TSSP)
  2. School LAND Trust Plan
  3. Assistance in the development of the Staff Professional Development Plan
  4. Academic needs of the school, with direction to determine the greatest academic need of the school for LAND Trust Plan expenditures
  5. Parent/School communication and involvement
  6. School Safety Issues
  7. Safe Walking Route
  8. Digital Citizenship Education
  9. Positive Behavior Plan input
    1. Items that do not fall under the scope of the Alta View School Community Council include:
  1. Any personnel issues
  2. Any individual student information.
    1. Members of the public may bring a topic to the Alta View School Community Council for discussion. Interested individuals must contact the Chair in advance of the meeting and ask to be added to the agenda. Individuals will be given three (3) minutes to present. Groups will be given five (5) minutes to present. The Council, as a body, may then choose to add the topic to a future agenda for further discussion. The Alta View School Community Council, as a whole, may invite any person or group to make a longer presentation, if desired.
    2. School Community Council meetings may be conducted electronically in cases where safety is a concern and so long as members of the public are provided with a method to join and listen to the electronic meeting. The decision to hold a meeting electronically shall be made by the Principal in consultation with the Chair.
    3. School Community Council meeting agendas and drafts of the previous meeting’s minutes will be posted on the school website one week prior to each meeting. Meetings may be canceled if there are no agenda items. Notice of canceled meetings will also be posted one week prior to the scheduled meeting.
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